Advanced management system for municipalities



Baladyat’s long term vision in being a reliable partner to municipalities has helped us keep re-inventing ourselves in ways that help us improve the operations of these government offices. Accompanied by regular training and onboarding, it a complete end-to-end solution that can be banked upon.


Service Oriented Approach

The system is designed to bring about improvements in the service levels of the concerned municipal office, as soon as the system is incorporated. Based on in-depth research and survey of functionings of municipal systems, Baladyat provides a turn-around right from the start.

Real-Time Communication

The software enables municipalities to carry out real time communication with citizens and involving them to generate ideas and provide valuable feedback. In-built polls can help in selection of ideas or mooting proposals.

New Disbursement

Participating municipalities have the option of using the system to disseminate news about the municipality and share key developments with citizens. This may also include alerts about natural calamities, strikes etc. Notifications on holidays can also be shared.

Addressal of Complaints

Timely addressal and resolution of complaints is important for most government offices. It helps in removing bottlenecks in essential services and keeping citizens satisfied with municipal services. Baladyat’s unique algorithm helps in logging complains, efficient queuing and timely addressal through reminders and escalations.

Citizen Participation

The platform supports and encourages participation of citizens for idea generation and problem resolution. Thus tools and systems are in place, which help solicit timely participation from registered citizens and cummulation of ideas.

Transparency in Tenders

Government tenders are often the source of corruption. Baladyat creates a platform on transparency as far municipal tenders are concerned. This helps keep authorities in check and creates an environment of trust among citizens. Municipalities can also call for tenders and have participants publish bids through the platform.

Mobile Friendly

In today’s fast paced environment, most citizens access the web through their phone. It is no longer the second screen. Thus Baladyat is attuned to this need and is mobile friendly, across OS platforms.

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